Targeted Roamer Marketing – Maximizing Inbound Roamer Revenues

While inbound roaming is a lucrative business for operators in specific countries, too common is the company relying on old-school practices to market it, focusing only on mass outreach and non-customized value propositions. Operators wanting to retain and grow roaming revenues need to start tapping into targeted marketing practices before their competitors do… You can…

Loyalty Programs Gone Right – Constructing the Utopian Loyalty Program

As a follow-up to a prior article around loyalty programs gone wrong, herein we define what a utopian loyalty program would like (one which not only satisfies members, but more importantly, has a positive impact on the bottom-line), while highlighting some best-in-class programs that have got it somewhat right… You can download PDF version of…

Maximizing ROI Through Customer-Level Discriminatory Pricing

While campaigns are a must for companies in B2C sectors seeking to drive up revenues, they also have an adverse affect on the bottom line, in that they partially cannibalize already guaranteed revenues (thus driving down profit margins). Price Sensitivity Analysis (PSA) is a sure-fire way to minimalize this loss… You can download PDF version…